Full-Time MBA LEAD Camp

MBA student working together in classroom during Full-Time MBA orientation

Join your new cohort to prepare for your MBA experience.

Business school can be intimidating and we help to make it less so by ensuring you are prepared. We make sure every student is ready to be successful. Our intensive, LEAD Camp and virtual summer preparation sessions consist of the following:

21 Hours
of Leadership Enhancement

Seminars, workshops, and interactive simulations highlighting issues relating to corporate leadership, teamwork, professional communications and ethics

28 Hours
of Academic Development

Lectures, workshops and complimentary access to MBA Math allow you to hit the ground running in your coursework and help ensure you have time to focus on your career search

23 Hours
of Professional Development

Workshops led by industry experts and alumni help you develop and pitch your personal brand, leading a successful search

Giving Full-Time MBA students an advantage

A full-time MBA program can be intimidating, especially for those who don’t have a background in business. That is why each year the MBA program hosts a two-week boot camp for the incoming cohort. LEAD Camp (Leadership, Enhancement, Academic, Professional Development) prepares students with a wide range of seminars, workshops, lectures and activities as a kickoff to the school year.